Law's Blog

We were blessed by the arrival of Lawrence Paul Nadig, II ("Law") on March 6, 2005. Watch him grow with us!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Bringing Back My Blog

When Mom went back to work, my blog went to hell. It's been a solid six months since my Mom even snapped a picture! Fortunately, I am bringing back my blog.

Let me bring you up to speed. Christmas was great, life without Daddy while he's training for his new job has been tough, I turned three, my baby sister Stevie is ten months, and we are moving to New York City in about a week.

For a baby, Stevie is pretty okay. She likes me, and I have a good time making her laugh. Sometimes she screams and hurts my ears. She also consumes a lot of my Mom's time, which is annoying. I have needs too, you know. Once in a while, Stevie and I plaly together. I am trying to teach her everything I know (which is a lot).

Ahgoo has been helping out my Mom a lot in preparation for our move. We always have a good time when he's around, and we keep his hands full; literally. Is he one bad dude, or what? It's hard to believe that he's so old.


Blogger Jada said...

Hey my Law Man! I am missing you soo much! I got your card today, and the bear you colored me!! Thanks so much it is beautiful! Your site is gorgious of course! How do you like the big city, you will make LOTS of new friends! Anyways, I will send you something very soon, and your friends and teachers miss you and they all say hello! Hug mom for me and give baby stevie a big kiss! I love you ! Be a good boy!

4:06 PM  
Blogger Law said...

Thanks for your message, Ms. Jada! I miss you so much. Mom and I talk about you and Ms. Keeta almost everyday. Thank you for sending me the wonderful pictures. I have them hanging in my room, but my favorite is still the one of me and you. I love you!

11:00 AM  
Blogger Jada said...

hey Law Man! I got your picture today, You and stevie are growing up soo fast! You are sucha handsome boy! I sure do love the artwork you sent me! Miss Keda asked about you today! She says to tell you hello! Most of your friends have gone to the big school now, so all we have are lil kids! I wish you were here to help show them around! I will send you something very soon! Love ya!Give mommy and sissy big hugs for me!

4:45 PM  

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