Law's Blog

We were blessed by the arrival of Lawrence Paul Nadig, II ("Law") on March 6, 2005. Watch him grow with us!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

I Can Color

Since I got kicked out of the church nursery after twenty (long) minutes today, Mom and I had a lot of extra time to play before lunch. She decided to see if I was ready for coloring. At first, I thought it was kind of lame.

After a few minutes, I realized what fun coloring can really be! To the right, you can see that I am very pleased. This is because I threw a crayon to my dog, and she ate some of it. It made me laugh.

I decided to give it a try myself. And you know what? One of the best parts about coloring is definitely the taste.

This is by far one of my favorite shots. Regretfully, this led to an abrupt end of my art session. I was laughing so hard that I couldn't refrain from throwing the red crayon towards the camera. Can you believe that my Mom got a picture of it in midair? Amazing. It looks like Mom is the one who's not ready for coloring. I've been ready for months. She always seems to lag a little behind me.


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