Law's Blog

We were blessed by the arrival of Lawrence Paul Nadig, II ("Law") on March 6, 2005. Watch him grow with us!

Friday, March 05, 2010

Great Wolf Lodge

Mimi and Aunt Randi have been giving my Mom a really hard time about not updating the blog. Let's not dance around the topic. It is true. My Mom hasn't posted a single picture in four months. It is a disgrace. Anywho, here comes a post.

As an early birthday present, Mom and Dad took us to Great Wolf Lodge! We got a special room with a "cabin" and bunkbeds for me and Stevie. It was so much fun!

Here's a picture of us on the couch with Daddy. Notice Stevie's tutu bathingsuit. She asked many strangers if they liked it. Fortunately, most of them did.

I enjoyed riding the waves in the wave pool. The
entire set up was kind of savage, but I didn't mind at all.

Stevie loved the water slides. She differentiated them by color. Many times on the ride home she remided us about how she went down the orange, blue, green, and yellow slides. We never got tired of the reminder.


Blogger Nonni said...

That looks like so much fun!!!
Happy Birthday, Law, and congratulations on your touchdown!!!
I look at my valentine card everyday and think about you all. I love you!
Thanks for the awesome update!

5:45 AM  
Blogger Nanny said...

Happy Birthday Law! I can't believe you are 5 years old. Looks like you had a wonderful time at the Great Wolf Lodge. I can't wait to see you in Orlando. Love you, Nanny

1:16 PM  
Blogger Shea said...

I just found out about your blog, but it looks like you don't post anymore! If you feel the urge to see what's up with Ian and me, go to

Hope all is well!

9:57 AM  

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