Law's Blog

We were blessed by the arrival of Lawrence Paul Nadig, II ("Law") on March 6, 2005. Watch him grow with us!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

My Beach Vacation

I had a blast at the beach last week! It was so much fun being around some of my most favorite people. I was entertained constantly, fed well, and I even caught a few rays in the process. Mom didn't take too many pictures, so she's counting on everyone else to send her more. Here are just a few.

Our beach house was on a tidal fishing lake, and was surrounded by marine forest. It was neat because I got to see lots of neat animals like crabs, bunny rabbits, and turtles.

I loved taking walks outside; especially on Ahgoo's shoulders. Everyone took turns taking me for walks. It was one of the best parts about my vacation.


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