Law's Blog

We were blessed by the arrival of Lawrence Paul Nadig, II ("Law") on March 6, 2005. Watch him grow with us!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

New Video! Law Eats Dinner

If you click on the link below, you can see 45 seconds of me eating dinner. This is probably something only my Nanny and Mimi will enjoy. Not many others would be too excited about seeing me shove macaroni into my mouth. Unfortunately, my Mom is not clever enough to add music or sound to the video. I think she needs to talk to Tio Paul or Aidan's Mommy to figure it out. Just imagine chewing sounds.

I hope nobody else had to eat peas for dinner!

Thursday Morning

Morning chores are such a hassle. Mom says that when Daddy comes home I can show him how to use one of these. I can't wait!

Monday, April 24, 2006


My Weekend in Raleigh

This weekend my Mom and I went to Raleigh to visit my "Aunt" Megan and "Aunt" Wendy. It was so much fun! I already miss them. Do you know who else I got to see? Pete! Sometimes it's just nice to be around another man. He knew exactly how to play the way I like it. Megs and Wendy really spoiled me. Mom says I may have provided a lot of natural birth control. We were having such a good time that we forgot to take pictures. I hope we will get to see everyone again soon, and then we will be sure to remember to take pictures.

My Friend Nikolas

This is Nikolas.

He is one of my best friends. I always have a great time playing with him, and today was no exception. We share secrets, dance moves, and snacks. I am so fortunate to have Nikolas as my dear friend.

Video Footage!

If you would like to see live footage of me and my friends hunting for Easter Eggs last week, you can visit the following website.

Special thanks to Aidan and his Mommy and Daddy for providing the video! We had a great time searching for eggs in their backyard.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Visiting My Nana

I had the best Easter Sunday. My Mom and I went to visit Nana. She looked so beautiful! When she told us that she actually made her hat all by herself, I was in total disbelief. It's not surprising to know that she won third prize in the Easter Bonnet Parade! My Nana is so talented.

Who could blame a boy for wanting
to try on such a pretty hat?
Sometimes I just can't control
myself. It's a good thing that my
Nana is such a good sport.

Nana and I had such a good Easter together. I love her so much.

Friday, April 14, 2006

My First Easter Egg Hunt

Before I knew it, the hunt was on! Because I am so experienced when it comes to placing objects into containers, this so called egg hunt was not too challenging for me. I was loading up my basket before some children were off of the deck.

The competition was getting tough after the first few minutes, but I did not give up.

There were quite a few decoy eggs that my mom called, "rocks". I was fooled by them, and they made my basket very heavy. It is for this reason that I had to begin carrying the basket around my neck.

When it was all over, I waved and said goodbye to my friends, and I gave them a kiss before we had to leave. As you can see, my girlfriend, Amanda Kate was already on her way out. Sometimes, it's tough to leave a good party.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Look Who's Here!

"Aunt" Ashley arrived yesterday evening, and I am having such great fun! We have played a lot, and I love her so much that I even shared some of my cookie with her. It will be sad when she leaves on Wednesday. Until then, I am enjoying our time together.

My Weekend

I had a really fun weekend visiting with my Mimi and Auntie Randi. They played with me and made me laugh a lot. On Saturday, Nanny came down to play as well! She brought me the most amazing Easter basket! She even brought me a bunny rabbit who sings. The bunny holds an egg which contains a little chick who pops up to sing and dance. You'll have to see it to believe it. Here is a picture of me playing with Nanny in the backyard.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Bathtime Fun with Mimi

Mimi sure knows how to give a good bath!

My Weekend

Have you ever seen any thing like this before? My Uncle Brent and Aunt Amy gave me the coolest birthday present ever! It is called, "Bubble Gum Playland", and I love it! I love watching the balls go down the shoot, and I especially liked watching Uncle Chuck blow up the entire thing! Thanks so much for such a great gift, Brent and Amy! I am a very lucky boy.

I got to visit with my great grandma this weekend! She played football with me in her house, and we had fun catching up.

I had a great time visiting my Aunt Jess and Tio Paul on Friday! Do you know who else I was excited to see? My long, lost friend, Leroy. At first, I was a little nervous around him. But after eating some hairy ice and hard poop from the front yard, I was happy to be with him again. Being a little boy is the best!

It is always so much fun to play with my Aunt Jess and Tio. I love them very much. Auntie Jessie gave me Raspberry Iced Tea for the first time ever. It was delicious! Mom says that it is the closest I will ever get to koolaid, but I think we all know that Mimi won't let that come true.

I already miss you, Aunt Jess and Tio Paul!