Law's Blog

We were blessed by the arrival of Lawrence Paul Nadig, II ("Law") on March 6, 2005. Watch him grow with us!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Visiting Nana

Today Mom and I went to visit Nana. We had a great time! I love playing at Nana's place because there are so many fun things to do. I especially love it because Nana makes me smile. She really knows how to play with me. I miss her already, and I asked Mom where Nana was all afternoon.

Nana gave me two very special presents today. In my right hand, you will see the very first lollipop I have ever eaten. It was delicious! Nana and I have similar tastes. In my left hand is a beautiful bird that I played with all morning. It is a finch, and I hid it around Nana's house, and then hunted for it. I also made it fly in the air. It is awesome!

Some of you all may not know this, but my Nana can play a mean harmonica. I asked her to play it many times today during our visit. It really makes me happy when she plays. Mom and I can't wait to go see Nana again soon. She is the best Nana ever!


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