Show Me the Ice Cream
For dessert tonight, Mom said that she was going to let me have "ice cream" Mimi style (out of the carton). I'm not sure who she thought she was fooling. Not only have I had the opportunity to sample real ice cream before, on the specialist of occasions (Nana's birthday), but the container clearly stated, "Raspberry Sorbet". The thing that was making me laugh the hardest, were the words, "Fat-Free". Did she think I was that desperate for dessert?
If she did, she was right. It would be impossible for a grilled cheese and fruit to tide a growing boy over until morning. Fortunately, the fruity ice cream knock-off was edible. Eating straight out of the carton made it even more enticing. As every civilized little boy knows, sorbet is for cleansing one's palate. For this reason, I was very confused when my Mom did not bring me the next course!
I can't wait, Mimi! Since you are my Mom's Mom, I don't think you really have to justify anything to her. You can just ignore what she says, like usual. I love you so much, Mimi!
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