Law's Blog

We were blessed by the arrival of Lawrence Paul Nadig, II ("Law") on March 6, 2005. Watch him grow with us!

Saturday, July 29, 2006


I love playing with trains! The best is when Mom takes me to Barnes & Noble so that I can play with their Thomas Train Table. It is awesome!

It takes a lot of concentration to make the trains stay together over the steep hills and through the dark tunnels, but I am getting really good.


Blogger Monogram Momma said...

Well who wouldn't love a little cutie in Madras! He is certainly a preppy in training, and the mini monograms would be proud! ;-)

3:10 PM  
Blogger Law said...

Thanks, Monogram Momma! My Mom sure is trying hard to keep me preppy. If it were up to my dad, I would wear muscle shirts and a mullet. Yikes.

4:09 AM  
Blogger Monogram Momma said...

no, no, little law. Run FAST and FAR from the muscle shirts and mullet cuts!

1:51 PM  

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