Law's Blog

We were blessed by the arrival of Lawrence Paul Nadig, II ("Law") on March 6, 2005. Watch him grow with us!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

A Great Afternoon with Amanda Kate

This afternoon, Amanda Kate and Miss Kari came to visit. It was great! My girlfriend is such a catch. She fed me a snack, and I didn't even have to hold my own drink when I was thirsty!

We had a very romantic dinner after a long afternoon of playing hard. Amanda and I both enjoyed the chicken, but found the broccoli unsatisfactory. The gingerbread animal cookies
were a delicious ending to our meal.

My favorite part of the day was dancing with Amanda Kate in my room. If you'd like to see a clip, you can click on the link below. There isn't any sound, but I'm sure you can see that an upbeat song was cued.


Blogger Law said...

Mimi, you are so right! I hope Aunt Sue and Uncle Rick will come see me soon. I miss them so much!

6:48 AM  

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