Law's Blog

We were blessed by the arrival of Lawrence Paul Nadig, II ("Law") on March 6, 2005. Watch him grow with us!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Giving Thanks

My family and I had a great Thanksgiving. We spent Thursday at my Nanny's house with my Nana, Nanny, Aunt Jessie (pictured above), Tio Paul, Uncle Bob, Aunt Cindy, and their boys, Henry and Charlie (pictured below). Everyone was so good to me!
On Friday, we went to my Mimi and Ahgoo's house. I was very happy because Unkah Chuck and Aunt Sarah were there too! I'm sure Mom will have more pictures to post from Mimi's house soon.

I felt like the entire holiday was celebrated just for me. Mimi and Nanny say, just wait until Christmas! I am a very blessed little boy.

Monday, November 20, 2006

King of the Potty

Some of you may know that I have been pee-peeing on the potty for quite some time now. Of course, I much prefer to use my very handy diaper, but I do go on the potty to humor my Mom several times a day. Today, however was a very special potty day. Today, I was crowned king of the potty because I went poo-poo! It was all very exciting. I'm not sure if I will continue to do this trick, but I'll certainly consider it. I don't remember the last time my Mom was so animated. Dad made me laugh when we called him at work to tell him the news. He said that he wishes we would cheer him on when he uses the potty.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Visiting Nana

Last weekend, I had a great morning visiting Nana and Nanny at Nana's house. I always love seeing them, and I especially love exploring Nana's fabulous home. We always have such good fun! I am a very lucky boy, because every time I see Nana and Nanny they have fun treats for me. As you may be able to tell from this picture, Nana gave a jack-o-lantern filled with delicious sweets, including a red lollipop. She also gave me the neatest little pumpkin that makes noises and flashes its eyes when you press a button. I just doesn't get better than this.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

I Love Amanda Kate

On Monday, Amanda Kate and Miss Kari came to play. It was so fun! I always love seeing them, and I look forward to their visits. Do I not have the most beautiful girlfriend you have ever seen?
We had a nice time playing outside, but mostly because Amanda Kate is so good at sharing. I only had to ask her with a few grunts and a point, and she delivered everytime. She is amazing.
Amanda looked so pretty riding the bicycle, that I couldn't help myself. I had to give her a kiss.

Did I mention our wild ride on the rocking horse?

I can't wait to see Amanda Kate again soon. I love her very much.