Law's Blog

We were blessed by the arrival of Lawrence Paul Nadig, II ("Law") on March 6, 2005. Watch him grow with us!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Law Does Central Park

Central park is one of my favorite places in New York City. We made an entire day of it on Sunday since Daddy was home. Stevie didn't enjoy the tire swing as much as me and Mommy, but she did have a good time in the sprinklers.

I did a lot of climbing!
Daddy and I conquered the rock mountain together, and I was surprised to find a few people sleeping at the top. I made sure that I told everyone around me to whisper so as not to disturb the nappers.
Since I've had so much practice, I feel as though I'm in a position to give a few pieces of advice to others who may be making a trip to Central Park in the near future.
Read on for some helpful tips on how to make your trip to Central Park an enjoyable one.
Tip #1 - Avoid Port-A-Potties at all costs. This goes for all of NYC, not just those located in
Central Park.
Tip #2 - Regardless of their best intentions, Daddies usually have no idea where they are. Insist
that your Dad uses a map. When you park thirty blocks away, you're never "almost
Tip #3 - Demand ice cream. No matter how many healthful snacks your Mom has lugged along,
if you are loud and persistent, someone will give in.
Tip #4 - Pretty much everyone will have a better time if Mom is not cranky. This means she
should be permitted to pack a six pack in the diaper bag.


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