Law's Blog

We were blessed by the arrival of Lawrence Paul Nadig, II ("Law") on March 6, 2005. Watch him grow with us!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Dashing Through the Snow

Stevie and I were really pumped this week because we got some serious snow! Mommy and Daddy decided it was high time we have our first sledding experience. It was awesome. There are two links below containing video footage.
(This is video of me and Daddy on the sled)
(This is video of Mommy and Stevie - and then me at the last second - on the sled)

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Rocking Out on "The Rock"

Friday nights at our house can get pretty crazy. Why, just last night Mom, Stevie, and I had a wild dance party around 4:30pm. We're living on the edge here in Staten Island. Click on the link below to see me get my groove back.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Yellow Belt Bound

I have been taking karate classes since September. My skills have really improved, and you wouldn't believe how much I know about martial arts now. My instructor's name is Master Curry. He is really tough, but I am learning a lot form him.. I tested last week and earned my yellow belt! Being in a class with big boys and girls is really exciting. The hard part is that you really have to pay attention. That makes me nervous, but I am trying my best.

Gearing up for Christmas

After spending Thanksgiving at Nanny's, we headed to Mimi and Ahgoo's house. We had a really fun time decorating Mimi's tree. I really liked hanging the ornaments that were soft and didn't shatter when dropped. Even Stevie got to hang a few! We were super helpful.

Aunt Cindy and Uncle Bob gave us the most comfy Christmas pajamas ever! We are already enjoying them. Early the next morning, I helped Mimi make delicious pumpkin muffins for breakfast.

Compliments to the chef!

Daddy took my to my first Hokie football game (it was terrific - sorry no pictures), while Stevie and Mommy stayed behind to feed the horses and walk in the woods. It was a great weekend, but it sure did pass too quickly! Mimi and Ahgoo are coming to our house for Christmas, and I can't wait!

Thankful for Family

Being back in Virginia for Thanksgiving was the best! We got to spend almost an entire week with Nanny, and Daddy got to come with us. During the days we spent a lot of time at the park with Mommy and Daddy. Stevie and I missed the fresh air. Perhaps you've heard that Staten Island isn't famous for its' clean air.

The highlight of Thanksgiving for me, was spending time with my cousins Henry and Charlie. They played with me for hours! They even taught Stevie how to build towers. I already miss them a lot. In honor of their awesomeness I have named two of my weebles after them. I can't wait to see them again next Thanksgiving.

Mom did a terrible job taking pictures. We don't have any good ones of Nanny, Aunt Jess, Tio Paul, Uncle Bob, or Aunt Cindy, but here is a pretty one of Nana as well as a shot of Stevie and Lucy, Jess and Tio's dog. We think Stevie looks a lot like Aunt Jessie.

We sure do have a lot for which we are thankful this year. Celebrating with family was wonderful, and we can't wait for the arrival of our new cousin soon!