Law's Blog

We were blessed by the arrival of Lawrence Paul Nadig, II ("Law") on March 6, 2005. Watch him grow with us!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Cousin Reunion

We couldn't pass up an opportunity to visit with Baby Elaina while we were in Virginia. She is absolutely the best baby ever born to man. She eats, plays, and sleeps. But even she had about enough of our company after a few hours. Stevie and I love to get really close to Elaina's beautiful face to whisper sweet nothings (very loudly). We can't wait to see her again soon! Tio said that we might be able to jump rope with her by the end of the summer. We are stoked.

Even though it was about 90 degrees outside, Nanny didn't mind running a mini sports camp for me and Stevie. She gave me the coolest tennis racket, and I have been practicing almost everyday since then. Stevie tried her hand at golf, but wasn't as successful as I.

Visiting with Nanny makes everyone smiley!


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