Law's Blog

We were blessed by the arrival of Lawrence Paul Nadig, II ("Law") on March 6, 2005. Watch him grow with us!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Thomas & Friends Play Day

I know it's hard to believe, but Suffolk does occasionally have exciting events that don't include peanuts. This weekend, the local train museum had two days devoted solely to Thomas the Tank Engine! Mom and I showed up very early on Saturday to be first in line (there was supposed to be a free door prize for the first 25 people, and Mom is super cheap), but when we arrived, there were kids and parents wrapped around the building! Needless to say, we waited until today to check it out.
I had a great time exploring a real life choo-choo. It was actually a caboose, but I was mainly excited about pretending to drive it.

Of course, the Thomas train table was the main attraction. It was great!

I also really liked watching the electric train zoom around the museum. It went through little towns and tunnels, and I could even hear it coming from far away.

Another great thing about the train event, was the special Thomas the Tank Engine cookies. They were frosted with blue icing, and were topped with delicious sprinkles. I attracted an entire crowd when I sat on the bench to enjoy my special afternoon treat. I would be lying if I said neither Mom nor I was covered in blue, sticky goodness.

It wouldn't be fair if I left out the down side of today's trip to the museum. Firstly, I was highly annoyed with Mom's insistence on taking my picture every time I did something. For Pete's sake, everyone knows I can color.

Likely the worst part of the day, was when the head volunteer of the museum made me put on this ridiculous Thomas costume for a picture. It was embarrassing, uncomfortable, and probably very unhygienic. I was so relieved when Mom didn't make me do it. Even she was worried about the possibility of head lice.

Despite the costume mishap and flashing cameras, our trip to the Thomas & Friends Play Day was terrific. I was sad to say goodbye to the choo-choos, but I can't wait to see them again soon.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Norfolk Botanical Gardens

Mom and I had a great time at the World of Wonders Children's Park at the Botanical Gardens this morning. We met a lot of our friends there, and we can't wait to go back again! To the right, you can see a picture of me and Aidan climbing the ropes up to the slide.

I didn't mind waiting patiently for Reagan to go down the slide. She is so pretty!

We had a great time pumping water into our watering cans! I watered the bean sprouts.

By far, the best part about the Gardens was the water. It was delicious and refreshing!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

A Great Afternoon with Amanda Kate

This afternoon, Amanda Kate and Miss Kari came to visit. It was great! My girlfriend is such a catch. She fed me a snack, and I didn't even have to hold my own drink when I was thirsty!

We had a very romantic dinner after a long afternoon of playing hard. Amanda and I both enjoyed the chicken, but found the broccoli unsatisfactory. The gingerbread animal cookies
were a delicious ending to our meal.

My favorite part of the day was dancing with Amanda Kate in my room. If you'd like to see a clip, you can click on the link below. There isn't any sound, but I'm sure you can see that an upbeat song was cued.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

All Aboard!

This week, Mommy let me do something very out of the ordinary. After shouting "choo-choo", grunting, and pointing, I won again. I got to ride the dirty, semi-dangerous choo-choo at the play center in the mall! It was everything I hoped it would be.

If you would like to see video footage of me "driving" the choo-choo, you can click on the link below. When the ride stopped and I said, "more, more", Mom said she didn't have any more quarters. I hate when she lies.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Cool Weather = Fun Times at the Park

Now that the weather is cooling down, I'm spending a lot of time at the park. I love to play on all of the fun equipment, and I am so proud of myself when I master new activities!

Cover your eyes, Nanny & Mimi! Mom lets me go down the big boy twisty slide now all by myself. I love it.

Open your eyes again, Grandmas. I've been going down this baby slide for almost a year! It's an oldy but goody.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

VT Tailgating

This weekend Daddy, Mom, and I went to the first Virginia Tech football game. Actually, Mom and I just went to the tailgate. It was great!

Here is a picture of me with Dad. I know it was a football game, but I much prefer basketball. Dad got me this very special VT basketball while we were in Blacksburg. I love playing with it.

There sure were some pretty Hokie fans! This is Eden. She is three years-old, and boy was she fun. We traded toys for a while, but I had a hard time being apart from my basketball for long.

Speaking of pretty girls... I didn't mind sharing my cooler with Mr. Mark's girlfriend, Miss Jess. She's not just easy on the eyes either. She is so nice!

My wagon really came in handy this weekend. Here is a picture of Dad taking me to see the football team walk into the stadium. The best part about seeing the team was the band. I loved the music they were playing. Everytime a song ended, I asked for more.

Probably my favortie part about the campus at Virginia Tech, was the Duck Pond. Mom took me there to feed the ducks. I couldn't believe how they swam up to shore and came out of the water to eat my crackers! It really made me laugh.