Law's Blog

We were blessed by the arrival of Lawrence Paul Nadig, II ("Law") on March 6, 2005. Watch him grow with us!

Saturday, March 31, 2007


Today, Mom and Dad took me to Suffolk's "Eggstravaganza". The event name (not the mention its flyer) indicated that there would indeed be an Easter Egg hunt. As many of you know, I gained a great deal of practice last Easter in this department, and I was really very excited about this event. Regretfully, we arrived only to find that the actual hunt has been cancelled! Instead, I had to go up to a terrifying rabbit who in turn put four eggs in my basket. To make matters worse, when I opened the eggs, there were inedible plastic toys instead of candy! I was pretty pissed to say the least.

Fortunately, there were lots of fun activities and games. Dad and I played golf. There was even a bounce around that I got to jump in for quite a long time.
The best part was the petting zoo! It only consisted of a couple of goats and some caged bunnies, but I really enjoyed it. I fed the Mommy and baby goat grass!
Dad and I agree that perhaps we should avoid the Suffolk community events for a while. Between this and the ghetto peanut festival, I just don't think I could take another disappointment. It sure was nice to have family time together, even though there was no egg hunt. I feel lucky to have fun outings with my both my Mommy and Daddy.

May-May's Birthday Party

Last Saturday, Amanda Kate turned two years-old! She had a very fun birthday party.
The food was delicious and the company couldn't be beat. I had a hard time sharing my beautiful girlfriend with everyone, but I relished my chance for a birthday kiss.

The weather was perfect! We had a great time playing in Amanda Kate's big back yard. I called it May-May's park because she had new play equipment that was amazing! The only thing I did not like about the party was all of the stiff competition. It's hard when you're not the only interesting person around. Nevertheless, it was a wonderful party.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Gabe's Party

This is my friend, Gabe. Today was his second birthday and we had a great time celebrating with him!

Here's a picture of the partying gang. It was wild. Gabe's Mom served some very delicious treats, and the party favors were amazing!

It was no surprise that the cupcakes were by far the biggest hit. Aidan enjoys a chocolate cupcake as much as anyone.

The birthday boy also was able to appreciate the cupcakes' chocolaty goodness.

I pretty much partied like it was my own second birthday. Let's be honest; I pretty much thought it was my party to begin with. There was a bit of a mixup when the gifts arrived however. Can you believe that they weren't for me? Amazing.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

My Second Birthday

Today I am two years old! On Saturday, Mimi threw me a very fun birthday party. I had a great time celebrating with my family and friends.

Mom made cupcakes because they are my favorite. I really showed that number two candle who was boss! I had been practicing my candle extinguishing techniques all week, and it really paid off.

Mimi had delicious food AND train hats! My favorite treat was fried okra, but I enjoyed everything. A boy can always count on Mimi to provide solid southern food for a growing boy. The train hats were a bit bothersome, but I wore one long enough for Nanny to catch a few shots. Thank goodness for Nanny's photos! Mom wouldn't have documented any of my second birthday if it weren't for Nanny.

I couldn't believe how lucky I was to receive so many amazing presents! All of my cousins gave me a tool bench. The box said that it was for ages three and up, but My Megan said it was okay because she says I'm advanced. Plus, I don't put small parts into my mouth.

Thank you so much to everyone who helped me celebrate my second birthday! I am such a fortunate boy to have so many loved ones.