Law's Blog

We were blessed by the arrival of Lawrence Paul Nadig, II ("Law") on March 6, 2005. Watch him grow with us!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

My Second Birthday

Today I am two years old! On Saturday, Mimi threw me a very fun birthday party. I had a great time celebrating with my family and friends.

Mom made cupcakes because they are my favorite. I really showed that number two candle who was boss! I had been practicing my candle extinguishing techniques all week, and it really paid off.

Mimi had delicious food AND train hats! My favorite treat was fried okra, but I enjoyed everything. A boy can always count on Mimi to provide solid southern food for a growing boy. The train hats were a bit bothersome, but I wore one long enough for Nanny to catch a few shots. Thank goodness for Nanny's photos! Mom wouldn't have documented any of my second birthday if it weren't for Nanny.

I couldn't believe how lucky I was to receive so many amazing presents! All of my cousins gave me a tool bench. The box said that it was for ages three and up, but My Megan said it was okay because she says I'm advanced. Plus, I don't put small parts into my mouth.

Thank you so much to everyone who helped me celebrate my second birthday! I am such a fortunate boy to have so many loved ones.


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