Law's Blog

We were blessed by the arrival of Lawrence Paul Nadig, II ("Law") on March 6, 2005. Watch him grow with us!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Song of the South

Spending an entire week back in my native land sure did me a lot of good. We loved spending time with our family in Virginia, and especially enjoyed engaging in traditional southern hobbies. Ahgoo took me on my first ever fishing trip!

Mom took video footage of me reeling in a monster fish at Lake Orange. It was at least twice the size of the goldfish we saw in the doctor's office yesterday. Honestly, you will be impressed.

Stevie and I enjoyed delicious meals compliments of Mimi. You'd think spaghetti in New York would be much better than pasta in Virginia, but everything tastes better when it's cooked by a Mimi.
Being back in New York isn't so bad. We just miss our family friends. Y'all come for a visit soon!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Cranky Daddy and the Carousel

My Daddy has been traveling a lot. He came home one day last week, and even though he was really exhausted, he spent the entire afternoon with me. The one good thing about Daddy being gone all of the time, is that he misses me so much that he will participate in any activity I request. This included a ride on the old fashioned carousel at Willowbrook Park.

I don't know why, but there is something extremely comical about my sourpuss Dad riding on a dolphin. What Mom was unable to capture on film, was Dad actually checking his Blackberry while riding the carousel. Honestly.

Ever notice how Stevie and Daddy have the same "smile"?

After the carousel ride, Stevie and I had a great time playing at the park. It was a fun afternoon with Daddy.

I think Mommy is the only one who finds this so funny. She took video of Daddy and I riding around the carousel. The footage is pretty awful because she was laughing so hard. Anyway, the link is below.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Don't Tell Daddy

Okay, so I've been going to gymnastics all summer. Uncle Chuck said it's the gayest thing of which he's ever heard, but Mom and Dad agree it's good exercise and socialization. What Mommy failed to tell Daddy is that sometimes I like to go to the dance class held at the same gym. I guess Mom thinks Dad may freak out about dance class, but according to her, Nanny should have invested in some of these classes for Dad when he was growing up. I've been told that "two left feet" is putting it mildly.
Anyway, here is a short clip from my class. As you can see, it doesn't require a leotard or any rhythm. Heck, you actually don't even have to pay attention. The other thing one might notice, is that it is rather unlikely that I would ever pursue this hobby past the age of say, five. Dancing doesn't really seem to be in my genes. If you've ever seen either of my parents "bust of move", you probably are not surprised to hear this.
Here's the link:

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Law Meets Manhattan (...mostly NYC public transportation)

Today we ventured into the city. Our long trip started early as we caught the train from our house to the SI Ferry. Mom said taking photographs on the SI Rail was definitely not the safest of ideas, so we refrained and mostly just tried to avoid eye contact.

Once we arrived to the ferry, our adventure really began. The view was incredible, and I was even allowed to stand at the back of the ferry to get a close up look at the water and cityscape.

Look, Nanny, no hands!

After an hour of public transportation, Stevie and I were very excited to begin exploring Battery City Park.

After playing hard, we strolled through the Battery City Gardens. That lasted for almost three minutes. Personally, I find flora pretty boring, especially when there is an enormous Statue of Liberty Man waving to me.
This picture pretty much sums up the long trip back to Staten Island. (You should have seen Mommy's face). We were all worn out, but it was really worth the trip. I'll be a city boy yet.

A Visit from "Aunt" Ashley

Aunt Ashley visited with us last weekend. I hadn't seen her in a very long time, but I remembered immediately how much fun she is! She was brave enough to join us at the park, and she even raced me on my bike.

We had a great time together. It was really sad to say goodbye, but Aunt Ashley was on her way to begin a big sailing trip. Here is a video of our big race. I'm the buff one in the helmet.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Dancing Stevie

Mom has been trying for days to capture Stevie walking around. There is something too funny about a little baby toddling. Today, Stevie started doing this dance every time she played with her new Little People Car (We love the Open and Close song it plays, Nanny). Mom took some video footage, but she held the camera the wrong way. Shocker. As you can see in the clip, I am quite tired of being upstaged by my little sister. It is getting old. Mom says she will take some pictures of me on my new big boy bike tomorrow.
A special thanks to Aunt Sue and Uncle Rick who gave Stevie the dashing kitty cat/leopard print bathing suit. There's something about it that makes Stevie want to shake it.

Video Footage

Here is the link to Stevie's cupcake eating video.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Go Stevie, It's your Birthday!

On Sunday, Stevie turned one year old!

To celebrate, Stevie wore a party dress, and I helped open her presents (mostly when she wasn't looking). She loved all of her gifts, especially her baby doll and stroller. I thought it was very funny when she tried to drink the baby's bottle!

Mimi and Ahgoo came to help us celebrate as well. It was great to see them, and Stevie felt very special.

Mom made Stevie Cupcakes for the party. It was pretty funny. I chose the Stevie Cupcake with a passie. It looked and tasted delicious.

Watching Stevie devour her cupcake was highly entertaining. My birthday is only eight short months away, and I am already counting down.

*There is a video clip of Stevie eating her cupcake coming soon.

Visiting with Uncle Chuck & Aunt Sarah

Aunt Sarah and Uncle Chuck came to visit us in our new house last week! It was so much fun to spend time with them.

Uncle Chuck is the best at teaching me new games. I love foot tug of war! Uncle Chuck was pretty tired, so I let him have a rest on the couch.

We were all really excited to see Aunt Sarah and Uncle Chuck, but I think Piggy was the most enthusiastic about their visit. We can't wait to see them again soon!