Law's Blog

We were blessed by the arrival of Lawrence Paul Nadig, II ("Law") on March 6, 2005. Watch him grow with us!

Monday, July 31, 2006

Suffolk Farmers' Market

On Saturday, I was really excited because firstly, I knew my Daddy would be home soon, and secondly because my Mimi and Ahgoo were coming for a visit. Mom and I tried to keep really busy until they arrived, so we went the Farmers' Market in downtown Suffolk. We really only saw about four farmers there, but there was a lady selling homemade breads and cookies. While my Mom was purchasing some high fiber (disgusting) bread, I picked out a muffin just for myself. I figured if I put some good teeth marks in the plastic, Mom would surely buy it. It worked!

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Wheels Up!

Mom and I got the call late yesterday afternoon, that my Dad was in the air flying home to see me! We are really excited. He should have both of his feet on American soil some time around 10am this morning. Towards the end of next week, Daddy will be flying home from Camp Atterbury. We feel so blessed to know that he is returning home safely.


I love playing with trains! The best is when Mom takes me to Barnes & Noble so that I can play with their Thomas Train Table. It is awesome!

It takes a lot of concentration to make the trains stay together over the steep hills and through the dark tunnels, but I am getting really good.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Daddy's Homecoming

Mom and I are so excited because my Daddy is going to be home very soon! He will be heading to Kuwait in the next couple of days, and then to Camp Atterbury. After he outprocesses there, he's coming home to see me! I can't wait! This is a picture of me practicing for meeting him at the airport. I'm getting really good at waving the American flag.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Spray Park

Here are some pictures of me enjoying the spray park at our pool. Usually I do not enjoy it, but yesterday I decided that I love it!

I feel very brave and proud of myself when I run through the sprays of water.

Sometimes, the treacherous waters require low crawling.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Visiting Nana

Today Mom and I went to visit Nana. We had a great time! I love playing at Nana's place because there are so many fun things to do. I especially love it because Nana makes me smile. She really knows how to play with me. I miss her already, and I asked Mom where Nana was all afternoon.

Nana gave me two very special presents today. In my right hand, you will see the very first lollipop I have ever eaten. It was delicious! Nana and I have similar tastes. In my left hand is a beautiful bird that I played with all morning. It is a finch, and I hid it around Nana's house, and then hunted for it. I also made it fly in the air. It is awesome!

Some of you all may not know this, but my Nana can play a mean harmonica. I asked her to play it many times today during our visit. It really makes me happy when she plays. Mom and I can't wait to go see Nana again soon. She is the best Nana ever!

Friday, July 14, 2006

Law Meets Zoo

Today I visited the zoo for the first time. It was fascinating.

I saw lots of butterflies in the butterfly garden. Then, Mom made me sit in this embarrasing chair.

Mom insisted that this animal is called an elephant. It sure as heck looked like a dog to me. In fact, most of the animals looked like dogs, except for the Emus and Ostridges, which were clearly birds.

We weren't in Suffolk anymore. "Africa" was not my favorite part of the zoo. The giraffes came a little too close for my liking.
My favorite animals were the ducks, cows and the goats. There's nothing like a good barnyard. All of the animals seemed very safe to me, and I could even name a few of them (except for the piglets, which were also dogs). Next fieldtrip, I think Mom might just take me to a farm.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Playing Hard to Get

Today Miss Allison and Regan came over to play. Mom and I are very excited because soon they will be moving here! Regan is so good at sharing, and she really knows how to play nicely.

Since this was our first meeting, I kind of played hard to get. For example, I pretended like I didn't want to share my toys, and I protested when my Mom was paying attention to Regan.

Regan is such a nice girl, that she didn't even mind my rude behavior. She smiled and had a good time anyway. Can you believe how pretty she is? Look out Amanda Kate; there's a new girl in town.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

My New Wagon

This is a picture of me in my new wagon. I don't love sitting in it,but I am enjoying pushing it around and loading things into it.

My favorite balls were exhausted after an afternoon of being kicked, rolled, and thrown around, so I gave them a break.

Everything is better when Amanda Kate is around. I love her so much that I sat in my wagon and shared my ball with her.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Shooting Hoops

Some of you may have heard that "Bah-Ball" is one of my favorite words. I love watching other people play basketball, and I love pointing out basketball hoops when I see them, so you can imagine how excited I was to have a hoop of my very own. The link for the video of me playing for the first time is just below.

Also, please be warned that I am not wearing a diaper in this video. I've been experiencing some digestive issues, and Mom makes me air my bum in the evenings. Sorry.

More Beach Pictures

Here are some more beach pictures that my Mimi and Aunt RaRa sent Mom today.

Getting used to the beach was a little rough for me at first. Eating lots of snacks really helped me persevere.

Knowing how cool I looked in my swimtrunks and muscle shirt also helped me get through my first few meetings with the sand.

I really liked swimming in the pool on our vacation. It gave me time to practice my swimming, and I even learned a few new tricks.

Again, when it comes to fun times, snacks are key. Nanny and Mimi made sure my tummy was always full.

The pool was on the sound, so I enjoyed walking up and down the boardwalk to see the, "Abwahwah" (translation: water).

Mom and I already miss the beach. A lot of wonderful memories were created, and we will cherish them always. I felt really lucky to be able to spend my vacation with so many of the people I love most.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Just Like Daddy

Today I got the most exciting package in the mail from my Dad! It was an Iraqi Army Uniform made especially for me. Can you believe it?

I usually don't care very much for hats, but I sure do like this one.

My favorite part about the uniform is the whistle. I wish all of my outfits had whistles attached to the shoulder!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

My Beach Vacation

I had a blast at the beach last week! It was so much fun being around some of my most favorite people. I was entertained constantly, fed well, and I even caught a few rays in the process. Mom didn't take too many pictures, so she's counting on everyone else to send her more. Here are just a few.

Our beach house was on a tidal fishing lake, and was surrounded by marine forest. It was neat because I got to see lots of neat animals like crabs, bunny rabbits, and turtles.

I loved taking walks outside; especially on Ahgoo's shoulders. Everyone took turns taking me for walks. It was one of the best parts about my vacation.