Law's Blog

We were blessed by the arrival of Lawrence Paul Nadig, II ("Law") on March 6, 2005. Watch him grow with us!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Life with Stevie

Life with Stevie is good. I really love being a big brother. I hold my sister, sing to her, and tell her when it's time to stop crying. This morning, I even read her a book! Mommy wanted to make sure that I made a disclaimer about this picture. She's actually way thinner since this picture was taken last week. Now she only looks about four months pregnant instead of eleven months pregnant like last week!

Probably the best part about Stevie's arrival is the fact that we get a lot of company these days. Nanny and Mimi and Ahgoo have been here a lot to play with me. This weekend, Aunt Jessie and Tio Paul came as well. It was the best! I had such a fun time playing with them. Tio Paul took a lot of great pictures of Stevie, so I have included them below. Isn't my Aunt Jess so pretty? My Tio Paul is not a bad looking fellow either. Hopefully, they will make us some cousins soon.


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